A gabbai is a person, usually someone with a high level of Jewish learning. A synagogue may not have a “set” gabbai, but a different one every week. However, some synagogues do have a person who (either voluntarily or as a kind of employment) acts as gabbai every Shabbat and maybe also on Monday and […]
The Various Meanings of Aliyah
It’s annoying that so many Hebrew words have multiple meanings in English. Most of the time, this is because multiple Hebrew spellings could have the same sound. Today, let’s talk about the English word “aliyah,” which literally means “ascent.” A. You “receive an aliyah” when you are called up to the Torah to chant the […]
Phrase of the Day: Yasher Koach
You’ll hear this Hebrew phrase a lot. You may also see/hear it as “yishar koah.” It literally wishes the person strength. “May you have strength!” In short, it means something along the lines of “Good job!” It congratulates someone who has had the merit of performing a mitzvah or some other good Jewish task. Most often, […]
What to Expect at the Seder Tonight and Tomorrow Night
Tonight is the first seder! If all goes as planned, you’re going to have a great time! And if not, ur doin it wrong. (If you don’t know this internet meme, check out this, this, and this. All are “safe for work,” assuming you’re supposed to be on the internet at all!) In all seriousness, […]
What Is a Hebrew Name, and What Does It Do?
A commenter had a great question, and I decided to write about it in a longer form and make it accessible to the rest of you! Basically, what is the point of a Hebrew name? When, where, and why is it used? First, what is a Hebrew name? At its most basic, it’s your Jewish […]
Adventures in Semantics: Class Terminology that Sounds like Jewish Things
In my trial advocacy class, our fake state/jurisdiction is “Nita.” This is because our materials are created by the National Institute for Trial Advocacy. Humorously enough, “Nita” is pronounced “niddah” thanks to the American accent that pronounces middle Ts like Ds. We are in the state of niddah. Facepalm.
Convert Questions: How to Choose a Hebrew Name
Choosing a Hebrew name can be the hardest part of your official conversion process. After all, you have to live with it for only the rest of your LIFE. Some people make it their everyday name. Or even adopt it as their legal first or middle name. And some people never use them ever again […]
How to Listen to a Shiur
First, what’s a shiur? It’s usually just a lecture about something that is somehow tied to Jewish thought. And it usually has a lot of Hebrew and/or Yiddish and/or Yeshivish. I used to become very frustrated when listening to shiurim (plural of shiur) because of the frequent use of words I didn’t understand. However, now […]
What Does It Mean to You? The Amidah Edition
I remember one of the very first questions I asked my first rabbi: In the amidah, what does “may my soul be to all like the dust” mean? (The amidah is also known as shemonah esrei, a long silent prayer that is the central focus of the liturgy) [Using the Koren translation because that’s my […]
How NOT to teach a convert or BT to pray in Hebrew
Dear creators of resources that teach people to pray in Hebrew: I have some problems with your products, and I would like to discuss them. Let’s begin at the beginning. If I am coming to your CD/book or website to get help learning to pray in Hebrew, it’s very likely that I either a) Do […]