My biggest hurdle in becoming orthodox has been going back to the basics. Most converts who’ve already gone through one conversion feel like we know stuff. We’re not newbies, so why are we back at the beginning?? It can be incredibly frustrating and ego-busting. Even new converts can be incredibly frustrated by suddenly feeling like […]
Reason #834 You Know You’re Crazy: Hebrew Jewelry
I’m really beginning to hate Hebrew language jewelry. I received a “chai” (Hebrew for “life”) necklace for Conversion 1.0, which is really nice and I enjoy it. However, my necklaces share a chain, and I inevitably forget how to put the chai charm on the chain so that it will face the correct direction. I […]
Reason #201 You Know You’re Crazy: Unpronounceable Hebrew Names
Reason #201 You Know You’re Crazy: You chose a Hebrew name for yourself that you can’t pronounce correctly with any consistency. In my case, I chose Kochava, which has that guttral “ch” sound smack dab in the middle of the word, which is even harder than pronouncing it when it’s at the beginning or end […]