Yesterday was Rosh Chodesh Nisan. So what is Rosh Chodesh? Rosh Chodesh is the first day of a new lunar month. Depending on the month and year, Rosh Chodesh can be either one or two days long. The term literally translates as “head of the month,” just as Rosh HaShanah is “head of the year.”
Rosh Chodesh is considered a minor holiday, and it is the first mitzvah given to the Israelites when they left Egypt:
1 And Hashem spoke unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying:
2 “This month shall be unto you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you. …”
Exodus/Shemos 12:1-2
That was the month of Nisan! And like the Israelites journeying out of Egypt in Nisan, so will we experience redemption and begin anew the journey to Har Sinai in the middle of this month!
But back to Rosh Chodesh in general.
very informative article.
An interesting Rosh Chodesh piece of information: It's a custom for a kallah and chatan to fast on their wedding day, with a few exceptions. Rosh Chodesh is one exception — if the couple is having their chuppah on rosh chodesh, they need not fast. However, Rosh Chodesh Nissan is not included in this. Any couple who got married last night still had to fast!