I'm glad you call it a holiday. It's amazing to think it's a holiday on a major fast day in which many horrible things befell the Jewish people in history, but the sages of old consider this to be a fast day — because this is the day in the future in which moshiach will come and it'll be a true chag. It's also why we don't say tachanun or avinu malkeinu. Interesting, right?
I'm glad you call it a holiday. It's amazing to think it's a holiday on a major fast day in which many horrible things befell the Jewish people in history, but the sages of old consider this to be a fast day — because this is the day in the future in which moshiach will come and it'll be a true chag. It's also why we don't say tachanun or avinu malkeinu. Interesting, right?
Tzom kal to everyone fasting!