If you don’t know the word shuckle, you probably still know what it is! In fact, if you have been davening with an orthodox congregation for at least a few months, you probably already do it.
To me, shuckling seems like a form of movement meditation. I don’t know much about meditation, but I do know that repetitive movements can help induce a meditative state. Using a different example, you probably know that children suffering from extreme stress can begin rocking back and forth. It’s comforting, decreases anxiety, and gives an outlet for anxious energy. And over time, shuckling becomes a habit that you don’t even realize you’re doing. (While shuckling does exist in liberal congregations, it tends to be much less common and those who shuckle there tend to use the slower varieties.)
I think many people don't realize that although it is very widespread today, it is originally a Chassidic practice that was strongly resisted by non-Chassidim. The counter argument was would you appear before a human king while squirming around so indecorously?
In more Litvish communities you will still see many people who do not shuckle.
I think shuckling can aid concentration and I like the idea of prayer being an 'embodied' experience. Of course, there is the question to what degree one should shuckle and at what point it becomes undignified – but I think this is a very personal issue 🙂
This Good Life