I’m happy to report that I’ve passed both the New York and New Jersey bar exams! Next on the list is the California bar exam in July 2012!
However, I remain an unlicensed attorney while the bureaucrats go through the paperwork. So don’t send me your legal questions 😛 Unfortunately, the job hunt continues.
And that’s your quick update on my personal life!
Mazal tov!!
mazel tov!
Mazel tov and yasher koach! 🙂
Mazel tov! That's great news!
mazal tov!!
Mazel tov!!!
Mazel tov!
Mazel tov!! And may the paperwork be cleared soon!
Mazel tov! It's great to hear that your hard work paid off!
Mazal Tov and Hatzlacha on all your endeavors