— [This blog post] was, without a doubt, the worst [one] ever. Rest assured I was on the Internet within minutes registering my disgust throughout the world.
– Hey, I know it wasn’t great, but what right do you have to complain?
— As a loyal [reader], I feel they owe me.
– For what? They’re giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free. What could they possibly owe you? If anything, you owe them.
Enjoy your break. I heard there might be some good news as well? 🙂
I gather from others replies to your removed comments in the kerfuffle that there might be good news upon your return. I hope this is the case, and I shall check back here Monday to see if this is the case. 🙂
There should be good news next week, but not by Monday. The hiatus is totally unrelated. I simply got too far behind to write for the blog this week.
I've been a long (and I mean *long*)-time reader of your blog, but I will be unsubscribing from your RSS feed and I don't think I will be reading you at all for much longer. I think you are a great person, and I do wish you good luck in your conversion process, but I saw the tirade(s) you wrote on Chaviva's blog before you deleted your comments and I found myself awestruck at some things you said there. Being a convert of 28 years now and having had a divorce as well, as well as reevaluating which "level" of conversion and eventually leaving the frum life to pursue a movement that fit me so much better, I took a bit of personal offense to many things you said to Chaviva. Surely you weren't trying to be offensive, but I wouldn't argue that some of your comments were more than out of line. Anywho, from a lawyer herself, I wish you the best of luck with your bar passing and in your conversion. May we be proud to call you a fellow Jew.
Anonymous: I'm sorry you feel that way. Thank you for your input and well wishes.
While others have been celebrating (gregorian) New Year, I'm counting down to your return!
I get so much from your blog! I've missed you!
While I cannot comment on Skylar's comments only knowing them by context, I wish nothing but happiness for Chaviva(KE) whatever path of observance. she chooses.
I understand there is a mixed audience here, but I'm not upset by her choice to change her level of observance. I am hurt by KE choosing to publicize it on social media rather than transitioning to a new online identity out of respect for those of us who could be harmed by her story affecting our reputation as converts or increasing the difficulty in the future. I understand why she would do this, but to those still wanting orthodoxy it appears selfish to publish it publicly.
I did take scifirabbi's comment on the thread to heart about being ruled by fear. Since I have no plans to move to Israel I may be more open to other Orthodox options for conversion if they should present themselves. If I have to reconvert each time I move, I am fine with that if all it means is testing my knowledge and another poke and mikvah dunk.
I take Chaviva at her word that she was Sincere when she converted. G-d knows the truth and who am I to put myself in his place of judgement. I wish for her the same thing I wish for all Jews peace.
Was the surprise that you had the Beis Din meeting and passed and next step is mikvah? I was reading Chaviva's comment on the blog….please let us know the details. Last year someone I know who had her Beis Din meeting in December, passed it, then they took her to the mikvah in May.
— [This blog post] was, without a doubt, the worst [one] ever. Rest assured I was on the Internet within minutes registering my disgust throughout the world.
– Hey, I know it wasn’t great, but what right do you have to complain?
— As a loyal [reader], I feel they owe me.
– For what? They’re giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free. What could they possibly owe you? If anything, you owe them.
— Worst [post] ever.
[with apologies to http://simpsonsimages.tumblr.com/post/8571725253/comic-book-guy-last-nights-itchy-scratchy-was ]
On a more serious note, hope everything's ok, and looking forward to your return.
Hmm… Perhaps you will have some exciting news to share on your return? ;D
Enjoy your break. I heard there might be some good news as well? 🙂
I gather from others replies to your removed comments in the kerfuffle that there might be good news upon your return. I hope this is the case, and I shall check back here Monday to see if this is the case. 🙂
There should be good news next week, but not by Monday. The hiatus is totally unrelated. I simply got too far behind to write for the blog this week.
I've been a long (and I mean *long*)-time reader of your blog, but I will be unsubscribing from your RSS feed and I don't think I will be reading you at all for much longer. I think you are a great person, and I do wish you good luck in your conversion process, but I saw the tirade(s) you wrote on Chaviva's blog before you deleted your comments and I found myself awestruck at some things you said there. Being a convert of 28 years now and having had a divorce as well, as well as reevaluating which "level" of conversion and eventually leaving the frum life to pursue a movement that fit me so much better, I took a bit of personal offense to many things you said to Chaviva. Surely you weren't trying to be offensive, but I wouldn't argue that some of your comments were more than out of line. Anywho, from a lawyer herself, I wish you the best of luck with your bar passing and in your conversion. May we be proud to call you a fellow Jew.
Anonymous: I'm sorry you feel that way. Thank you for your input and well wishes.
While others have been celebrating (gregorian) New Year, I'm counting down to your return!
I get so much from your blog! I've missed you!
While I cannot comment on Skylar's comments only knowing them by context, I wish nothing but happiness for Chaviva(KE) whatever path of observance. she chooses.
I understand there is a mixed audience here, but I'm not upset by her choice to change her level of observance. I am hurt by KE choosing to publicize it on social media rather than transitioning to a new online identity out of respect for those of us who could be harmed by her story affecting our reputation as converts or increasing the difficulty in the future. I understand why she would do this, but to those still wanting orthodoxy it appears selfish to publish it publicly.
I did take scifirabbi's comment on the thread to heart about being ruled by fear. Since I have no plans to move to Israel I may be more open to other Orthodox options for conversion if they should present themselves. If I have to reconvert each time I move, I am fine with that if all it means is testing my knowledge and another poke and mikvah dunk.
I take Chaviva at her word that she was Sincere when she converted. G-d knows the truth and who am I to put myself in his place of judgement. I wish for her the same thing I wish for all Jews peace.
Was the surprise that you had the Beis Din meeting and passed and next step is mikvah? I was reading Chaviva's comment on the blog….please let us know the details. Last year someone I know who had her Beis Din meeting in December, passed it, then they took her to the mikvah in May.