I just got word that I’ll be a replacement guest on the first episode of Rabbi Eliyahu Fink’s new radio show! Please pray for me that I avoid an attack of my Foot in Mouth Disease.
Join us at 1pm Eastern time or you can listen to the archived version later! Listen at http://nachumsegal.com/
The topic is what the conversion process should look like and if Bethany Mandel’s Convert’s Bill of Rights accurately represents the experience of conversion candidates today.
You can find out more at Rabbi Fink’s blog: http://finkorswim.com/2014/10/30/finkorswim-live-debuts-nachum-segal-network/
(Again, I’m sending this from my phone while traveling, so I apologize for the briefness or any typos.)
UPDATE: Here is a direct link to the archived podcast.
I can't find R. Fink's show on the archive.
Here's a direct link: http://www.nachumsegal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Finkorswim-Live-on-the-Stunt-Show-10302014.mp3