Are you single and living in the NYC area? Do you know someone else who fits the bill? Check out the new dating group Dvash (Honey)! It’s shidduchim for singles by singles.
Love Jewish learning, want to meet new people of the other gender, and want to avoid a meatmarket atmosphere? You’ll love it! Events are held in Lawrence, NY (the Five Towns), but singles are coming from all over the NYC area.
We have two large problems (in my opinion) preventing dates: 1) judgments that “older singles” must have something wrong with them or they wouldn’t be single and 2) places for men and women to meet naturally and get to know each other.
This group hopefully solves both of those problems. Single people founded and run the group, and they are sensitive to the subtle and not-so-subtle judgments from many “shidduchim” speakers and try to prevent it. They also provide a situation, a shiur, that most members of the orthodox world can agree is an acceptable place for men and women to be in the same room together and speaking to each other. (Sad, huh? But you have to work with what you’ve got.) I don’t know whether men and women sit together, but the shiur is intended to be interactive and there is plenty of opportunity to speak with others informally and as part of the shiur’s dialogue. And after the shiur, singles are free to continue those conversations elsewhere.
Most importantly, this isn’t small talk; this is discussion on deep issues that touch each of us. What better way to get a “feel” of the personality of the people you meet?
You can read more about “The Sweet Approach of Dvash” in the Five Towns Jewish Times.
Gdwilling, this initiative will spread to other communities in the near future, but visitors to NYC are always welcome to attend!
Do you care about this work? Support it! Dvash is running a fundraiser to create a website and other media that will spread the word about Dvash and keep singles up-to-date on the latest events. The organization is run by singles with dayjobs, so your support is necessary to help make Dvash strong and effective!
Help create a new approach to shidduchim. Help Dvash create a website!
Awesome great to see some one out saving souls