Are you a conversion candidate or baal teshuva or potential baal teshuva in the DC area? Or can you get to Kesher Israel in DC one evening a week? Here’s a great class for you! And it’s FREE!
“Are you curious about the easy way to kasher a kitchen, reheat food for a shabbat meal, navigate a prayerbook, or understand what’s going on at life-cycle events? David Barak will teach Practical Judaism on Thursday evenings from 7:30-8:30 (after ma’ariv), including these and many other topics of interest to folks who are new to observance. The first class is January 8th. Like all classes offered by the Dr. H. Harold Gelfand Memorial Institute of Adult Education, there is no fee and no need to register or attend every session. Hope to see you there!”
Why are people converting to Judaism when anti-Semitism is reaching levels that reminding us of Europe around 1938 to 1939 CE?
Last week a kosher grocery store in Paris was attacked by Islamic terrorists, and Jewish-owned businesses in the USA are starting to become targets of Muslims.
I'm not close – But, It's sure Good to Know. thank you
Not sure this the best place to be connected with. The recent arrest of Barry Feind-el for video tapping women in the Mikvah should say enough. The tremendous disresoect for the female converst says tons about the credibility of the Sham. In addition to this the RCA is making women who have been lured for years in the effort to convert, restarting the process. The orthodox only care about the politics of Judasim. You never hear about devotion to G D, but are forever reminded of what light switch can be turned off and on on Saturday. Good ridance. If you want to be Jewish act it and go to a nice synagogue where people accept you, From a DC wanna be convert who was taped in the Mikvah.