How do Jews pronounce the name Chava (aka Eve) in Hebrew and/or Yiddish?? This is part of a new series – How to Speak “Jewish”! Share in the comments your ideas and/or needs down in the comments! Which words or phrases trip you up?
Hava חַוָּה is the name Eve in English and is the first woman as described in the Biblical book of Bereshit / Genesis story of the Garden of Eden. It’s a very common Jewish name in both Israel and the Jewish diaspora. Chava is derived from the Hebrew words chava חָוָה (to breathe) and/or possibly the related word chaya חָיָה (to live).
You might see it spelled Hava, Havah, Chava, Chava, Havva, Havvah, etc etc, whatever new spelling someone comes up with in English.
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