Book Lists
I used to have a page with a list of books I recommended. As I have learned more, the mental version of that list got longer and longer and never got updated here. I decided that the easiest way to deal with this issue was to create Amazon lists. I have created sub-lists for various topics, as each list is limited to 40 entries. You don’t have to purchase these books from Amazon, and some are not even available there. Please comparison shop for the best deals. All lists are in no particular order.
The problem with books: Halacha books are universally very stringent. They want be “acceptable” to the largest possible audience, and that means taking a halachic position everyone can agree on. You will rarely find “leniencies,” even if those leniencies are the standard practice in many communities. What is defined as a “leniency” can also depend on who is doing the defining. Some people might call it the stringent opinion, not a leniency! Always take what you read with a grain of salt, and expect someone to say, “Where on earth did you learn that chumrah! No one does that!” a whole lot if you learn primarily from books. This is why your friends are important. They help you see what the actual practice is in your community. Or…you can be like me and your friends will create a “Spot Kochava’s crazy chumrahs” game for you.
Back to Basics
Beyond the Basics: Seforim
Beyond the Basics: Hashkafah
Beyond the Basics: Interpersonal Relationships
Beyond the Basics: Dating, Marriage, and Family
Beyond the Basics: Women
Beyond the Basics: Men
Beyond the Basics: Shabbat and Yom Tov
Beyond the Basics: The Kitchen
Beyond the Basics: Kosher Cookbooks
Beyond the Basics: Haggadahs for Pesach
Beyond the Basics: History
Beyond the Basics: Israel and Zionism
Beyond the Basics: Pleasure Reading
Beyond the Basics: Miscellaneous
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