This little piece of halacha seems like it should be obvious, but maybe that’s just me. Don’t daven or say a bracha around a foul smell. As a practical matter in shul, this usually relates to passing gas. If you really need to do that, go outside for a minute. Halachically, everyone around you should […]
Phrase of the Day: Bentching Gomel
Bentching gomel is a special prayer that allows you to thank Hashem for delivering you from danger. (Imagine being at a football game…”Go, Mel!” It doesn’t rhyme with camel.) You must have actually been in danger. Close to danger isn’t enough. You have defied death, so now you should thank Hashem in public during the Torah […]
Why Does Water Not Have Its Own Bracha?
This is something that perplexes me. When I first began learning the brachot (blessings), I could not understand why water doesn’t have its own blessing. I even contacted a rabbi to ask what blessing we say on water because I believed that I simply missed it. I still don’t understand, so I thought I would […]
How NOT to teach a convert or BT to pray in Hebrew
Dear creators of resources that teach people to pray in Hebrew: I have some problems with your products, and I would like to discuss them. Let’s begin at the beginning. If I am coming to your CD/book or website to get help learning to pray in Hebrew, it’s very likely that I either a) Do […]
Reason #254 You Know You’re American: Food Brachot
Reason #254 You Know You’re American: You’ve memorized the before-eating food brachot, but you don’t even know which one to use because you have no idea where your food comes from. (Since two of the brachot require knowing whether the fruit/vegetable came from a tree or a bush.)