Not Every Conversion Program Is Legitimate. Here’s How to Protect Yourself. Not every conversion program is legitimate. Some are scams designed to mislead, exploit, or even to push an entirely different religion onto unsuspecting candidates. Here’s some important information you need to know to protect yourself. Conversion is like everything else – there are scammers […]
Can Politics Ruin Your Jewish Conversion?
Do your politics matter while converting to Judaism? No! (Yes, of course they do.) Should you be open about your politics while converting? Only you can answer that, but let’s give you some useful information to make that decision. Disclaimers! Lawyers love disclaimers, and I’m no exception. I’ve been a part of and visited more […]
Conversion Candidates: The Child Who Doesn’t Know How to Ask
At the seder, the discussion always surrounds the rasha, the wicked child. We rarely discuss the other three children, and usually then, only to compare and contrast with the rasha. This year, I put a name to a long-standing part of myself: the child who doesn’t know how to ask the question. You can never […]
What Not to Do When You “Frum Out”
When you first become “religious,” you’re passionate. You’re motivated. You’re going to be the best Jew ever. This is called “frumming out.” Conversion candidates do this just as much as baalei teshuva. And are just as unpopular for it. You might just drive everyone you know crazy. You have discovered The Truth, and if everyone […]
Why I Am “Modern Orthodox”
I get very annoyed at how “modern” is thrown around like an insult. Conversion candidates seem to feel this struggle more acutely than the frum-from-birth crowd. Baalei teshuva are probably in the same boat as the conversion candidates, but at least they’re still Jewish at the end of the day. Even the people who act […]
Controversies You Should Understand: Chabad Conversions
I’ve been trying to decide how to approach the Chabad question for several months. It is definitely an issue that needs to be addressed for conversion candidates because many discover Judaism through local Chabad houses. However, it is difficult to handle a controversy fairly and without making too many people angry! I am not Chabad, […]
Do You Have an Adequate Support System?
Just as there are many baalei teshuva who read this blog, there are many conversion candidates reading Beyond Teshuva, a blog created for BTs. [Grammar note: notice that the plural of BTs is not BT’s. That’s your dose of my crazy for the day.] Last week, Beyond Teshuva had a great breakdown of the kinds […]
Chumrahs: Making This Convert Crazy Since 2004
There have been requests for more “personal” stories about my conversion process. Well, today is your lucky day! If you don’t actually care about who I am and how I got here, feel free to stop reading here and check back for a new post later today! Knowing me, this is about to get long-winded. […]
Should Synagogue Membership Forms Ask If You Are a Convert?
KvetchingEditor has written about a topic that should concern all converts/converts-in-training: Membership in the Community: Invading Your Territory. The “Problem”: Synagogue membership forms that ask whether a person requesting membership is a convert. Some forms go on to ask for the converting beit din information, etc. Enough information to verify the conversion. Just about everyone […]
UPDATED: Why You Shouldn’t Date During Conversion
NOTE: The Kvetching Editor wrote a response to this post here. I just want to point out that her situation is not what I’m describing. I’m talking about a single who enters the orthodox conversion process and then begins dating people who are already orthodox. However, for the record, I think dating is probably a bad idea […]