Since I started blogging, I don’t get to keep up with reading other blogs as much as I would like. The overwhelming side-effect of blogging is that now I’ve discovered literally over 50 new blogs that I would love to read in addition to the 15ish I used to read religiously. School and work have […]
How Do Converts Choose a Minhag?
What is a minhag? “Custom.” Plural: minhagim. However, some minhagim have been practiced so widely and for so long that rabbis have declared them to be mandatory halacha. More generally, each large group of Judaism are considered to have a “minhag,” including Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, Yemenite, Indian (from India), etc. Further, some minhagim are how […]
Status Wars: Not Nearly as Fun as Star Wars
There is a Status War going on in the world. People who have become religious later in life (either as baalei teshuva or converts) are having a very difficult time proving that they are, in fact, Jewish. Personally, as painful as the conversion process can be, I think the baalei teshuva have it worse. Thanks […]
How NOT to teach a convert or BT to pray in Hebrew
Dear creators of resources that teach people to pray in Hebrew: I have some problems with your products, and I would like to discuss them. Let’s begin at the beginning. If I am coming to your CD/book or website to get help learning to pray in Hebrew, it’s very likely that I either a) Do […]
Convert Confessions: Why I’m Not Afraid of the Shidduch Crisis
Didn’t you know there’s a shidduch crisis going on? Young women are turning 22 without finding a suitable husband! I’m not afraid of the big bad wolf known as the shidduch crisis. For the uninitiated, what’s a shidduch crisis? Shidduch means “a good match,” and today, people say that everyone over ___ age (depends on […]
Is There a Stigma Against Converts?
Is there a stigma against converts? As you might guess from me starting this blog, I’m incredibly open about being a convert/conversion candidate. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been in the conversion closet! In my experience (over 6.5 years now), there is no stigma against converts today. Sure, there’s the odd duck every […]
Rule #42 of Orthodox Conversion: There ARE Double Standards. Get Used to It.
One common problem for the newly-observant conversion candidate is when another “orthodox Jew” doesn’t do what you’ve been taught “the law” is. Or worse, the first time you see an “orthodox Jew” drive to synagogue on Shabbat. We get so upset – “How come that person can still call himself orthodox? And why am I […]
Reason #237 You Know You’re Crazy: You Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Jewish Geography
Reason #237 You Know You’re Crazy: You Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Jewish Geography. As for me, I have an unnatural love of Jewish Geography. I’m not athletic or competitive in general, but Jewish Geography gets my competitiveness going. I really get into it. I get really excited knowing that I know Jews all over […]
You Know You’ve Made It When Someone Mistakes You for a Born Jew!
It seems like all converts wait for the day when they won’t stand out. I’ve always been a stand-out kind of person (and I generally like it), but I’m amazed that I get happy at the idea of blending in somewhere. Aka, being mistaken for a born Jew. Unfortunately, this goal is less likely for […]