Disclaimer: This is my idea of the ideal process. Others may feel differently. Regardless, no matter which advice you take, most converts wait far too long to begin getting involved in their local orthodox community and with the prospective beit din out of shyness and/or fear. What should the orthodox conversion process look like? What […]
Convert Questions: Does Anyone Fail the Beit Din?
In short, no, especially in orthodox conversions today. However, I think that is generally true in all the movements. If your sponsoring rabbi recommends to your beit din that it is time for you to take the oral examination part of your conversion (“the” beit din) and your beit din agrees, then you likely ARE […]
Convert Questions: Converts and Aliyah
A common question for many converts is whether they can make aliyah to Israel. In short, yes, a convert from any movement can make aliyah to Israel under the Law of Return. This means the convert can get expedited citizenship and be labeled as a “Jew” on their ID card. (I’m still very confused by […]
The Importance of Finding the “Right” Community
As we just discussed the potential that a convert may need to move to a new community in order to finish his or her conversion (Convert Issues: the Community Requirement), the next step is choosing the RIGHT community for you. And I mean literally “you,” specifically. No community will be the right fit for all […]
Something You Should Read and Comment on!
As an unmarried woman who had a terrible first mikvah experience (for conversion 1.0), I would very much like all of you to read this post by fellow Chavi about the mikvah! Please comment, anonymously or not! Just Call Me Chaviva: The Mikvah Is Lost on Me.
Memory Lane: The Converting for Marriage Stereotype
Since we’ve been discussing converting specifically for marriage this last week (See Why on Earth Would Someone Convert to Judaism and Taking a Shyne to Judaism), it reminded me of a funny story. (I’m not sure if it’s funny weird or funny haha!) But it’s the kind of story that could only happen to me. […]
Halachic Discussion: Are Female Converts “Not Niddah” After the Mikvah?
This is the kind of question that could only come up after hours upon hours of undisturbed solo driving. When a female convert goes to the mikvah to complete her conversion, does she become “not niddah” after the mikvah? Assuming the timing is right, of course. Not that it matters, but it was an interesting […]
Convert Issues: The Community Requirement
As I’ve mentioned several times here, a potential convert may have to move in order to complete his or her conversion. It may be an easy move or a very difficult one, depending on the convert and the community. Some may have to move across town, and some may have to move to a different […]
Crashing Venice, CA, for Shabbat!
I had the great pleasure to spend Shabbat this week in Venice, CA. I know nothing about the area, except that I’m pretty sure it was the Venice Boardwalk in the move Son in Law. (Pauly Shore movie from 1993…pure comedic gold!) I attended the Shul on the Beach (officially known as the Pacific Jewish […]
Why on Earth Would Someone Convert to Judaism?
According to the Talmud, rabbis must ask potential converts a very serious question: “Why should you wish to become a proselyte; do you not know that the people of Israel at the present time are persecuted and oppressed, despised, harassed, and overcome by afflictions?” That’s a great question. And even many converts can’t quite pinpoint […]
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