You’re a smart cookie, so you already know that the laws of taharat hamishpacha require a married woman to go to the mikvah after a waiting period that comes after the period ends or a certain number of days. So that means you have to plan your conversion mikvah date equally carefully, right? Not necessarily. […]
Management Update: The State of the Union
As most of you have figured out at this point, my conversion was finished a month ago. So what happens to the blog now?? My current plan is keep on doin’ what I’m already doin’. There is clearly a need for this kind of information and discussion. This isn’t going to turn into a “what […]
You’re Getting a Second Conversion! What About the Mezuzot?
Maybe you’re considering getting another conversion. But what about the mezuzahs you already have on your doors? In your new community (even if it’s within the same geographic area), you are not (or “might not” be) halachically a Jew. Mezuzot on your doors could confuse people, and technically, you aren’t obligated in the mitzvah. Of […]
Judge Favorably, But Don’t Ignore Red Flags
I have a big rallying point that I try to drive home in the born-Jewish community: Conversion candidates are the canaries in the mine of Judaism. If you don’t know the analogy, here’s what Wikipedia has to say: “Canaries were once regularly used in coal mining as an early warning system. Toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, methane […]
How to Choose a Waiting Time Between Meat and Milk
In short: Just pick one. Your options: A full 6 hours 5 hours and one minute 3 hours 1 hour (Almost no one does this, and you better be able to say you’re Dutch or in a Dutch community. I have a Dutch name, I really should have considered this option.) I believe there is […]
My Conversion Is Complete
I debated on if/when/how to write about this on the blog. My conversion was finalized on Jan 12, and I’m very happy with the conversion experience. It had its difficulties early on, but a new location and new rabbis gave me a conversion that was as respectful and as painless as a conversion can be. […]
What to Wear for Your First Beit Din Meeting
You’ve got your first meeting with the beit din (or the head of the beit din)! Yay! So what do you wear? In general, you should dress very conservatively, even if it is not what you would wear on a daily basis. This is not dishonest, it is respectful. You would dress more formally to […]
After Conversion, What Do You Do Now?
A very wise rabbi once told me that a common problem with converts is that they fail to realize “there’s no there there.” The day of your conversion isn’t really a destination. I’ve spent well over a year thinking about that phrase, trying to decide how I interpret it. I think I like the journey […]
Should You Change or Add to Your Hebrew Name When You Have a Second Conversion?
I find it interesting that Hebrew names is the #1 topic that brings people to this blog through search engines. I wonder where all this interest in names comes from! Based on the search terms themselves, it appears to be adults choosing a name for themselves, rather than parents naming a baby. Well, this week’s […]
How to Make Tea on Shabbat
The “tea question” seems to be a common one, according to the grapevine and my own experience. Thankfully, it’s a question that all the authorities seem to agree on. It encapsulates a key principle of the laws of Shabbat (and that’s probably why it’s such a common question): What makes something not cooking on Shabbat? The set-up: […]
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