What’s a Shabbat Kallah? It’s a celebration for the bride on the Shabbos afternoon before her wedding day. In some ways, it’s like a frum bachelorette party. (Note that there may also be a “normal” bachelorette party with the bride and her girlfriends!) I went to my first Shabbat Kallah last month, and it was a very […]
Jewish Traditions in a Nutshell: The Ketubah and the Get
The New York Times had an article last Friday about non-Jews using ketubot (also Englishized by us English speakers as ketubahs) as part of their wedding ceremony: Christians Embrace a Jewish Wedding Tradition. (You may have to create a NYT account to view older stories.) This definitely goes in my “least expected national news stories […]
UPDATED: How to Interview a New Jewish Community
Happy Half-Priced Candy Day! Now on to business… During conversion, you feel like you’re the one always being interviewed. And you are. But at some point, maybe even during your conversion, you’ll also get to interview someone: the rabbis and congregants of a new community. Hopefully you have a selection of communities! Even if not, […]
Update on Converts and Aliyah: Reviewing the Law of Return
Do you ever get tunnel vision? Apparently I do. And I did when I wrote Convert Questions: Converts and Aliyah. Let’s summarize that post quickly: There are two times where your “Jewish” status matters when making aliyah to Israel: (1) for the Rabbinate (orthodox converts only, and even then it’s not a given) and (2) […]
A Blogger Tries to Understand the Convert and Baal Teshuva Communities
Since I started blogging, I don’t get to keep up with reading other blogs as much as I would like. The overwhelming side-effect of blogging is that now I’ve discovered literally over 50 new blogs that I would love to read in addition to the 15ish I used to read religiously. School and work have […]
What Is a Hebrew Name, and What Does It Do?
A commenter had a great question, and I decided to write about it in a longer form and make it accessible to the rest of you! Basically, what is the point of a Hebrew name? When, where, and why is it used? First, what is a Hebrew name? At its most basic, it’s your Jewish […]
Shabbat Shalom! Being a “Lech Lecha” Kind of Girl
Converts (and especially orthodox ones!) experience more change in the first few Jewish years than some people do in an entire life, and more than most Jews, I would argue. Like most Jews of any movement, I come from a family and culture of tradition. You’re born, live, and die in the same place, or […]
Status Wars: Not Nearly as Fun as Star Wars
There is a Status War going on in the world. People who have become religious later in life (either as baalei teshuva or converts) are having a very difficult time proving that they are, in fact, Jewish. Personally, as painful as the conversion process can be, I think the baalei teshuva have it worse. Thanks […]
The Lingering Effects of Chanukah
I wrote before that I didn’t “get” Chanukah (Shabbat Shalom! The Chanukah Edition). Well, I didn’t expect to be proven wrong so quickly! Somehow, I internalized Chanukah without even realizing it. How did I figure this out? I saw a LOT of TV on New Year’s and the week leading up to it. My family […]
Did Something Important Happen Yesterday?
Oh yeah. Xmas. This week has mostly been a reminder of how much I’ve forgotten Xmas. Case in point: I’m spending my winter vacation mostly with my parents, who celebrate Xmas. I was shocked when my stepmom asked, “So what are you going to fix for Xmas dinner?” (Since I’m cooking kosher in their house.) […]