As I’ve mentioned several times here, a potential convert may have to move in order to complete his or her conversion. It may be an easy move or a very difficult one, depending on the convert and the community. Some may have to move across town, and some may have to move to a different […]
Why on Earth Would Someone Convert to Judaism?
According to the Talmud, rabbis must ask potential converts a very serious question: “Why should you wish to become a proselyte; do you not know that the people of Israel at the present time are persecuted and oppressed, despised, harassed, and overcome by afflictions?” That’s a great question. And even many converts can’t quite pinpoint […]
Converts and Books: An Obsession
I don’t think I’m alone in the convert world as being someone obsessed with books. Jews are the People of the Book, after all! However, I think I’m taking this a little too literally. My late Chanukah present to myself arrived! In my defense, I got an amazing deal! Of course, it’s only 5 months […]
Chanukah: That Time of Year When Everyone Knows Something About Judaism
Dear non-Jewish friends and family, I know that Chanukah is that time of year when you’re so proud of yourself for knowing that Chanukah is coming up. Really, I’m proud of you too! But Chanukah is like the speedbump of Jewish holidays. I don’t even take off work. And you all very much noticed that […]
Shabbat Shalom! The Dating Convert Edition
I hope you all have a wonderful and peaceful Shabbat! I’m not feeling so well again, so my Shabbat is probably going to consist of a book and my bed! But now to my weekly ramble… (since that’s so different from what I normally post! Hah!) On the Aish website, there is a running series […]
Is There a Stigma Against Converts?
Is there a stigma against converts? As you might guess from me starting this blog, I’m incredibly open about being a convert/conversion candidate. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been in the conversion closet! In my experience (over 6.5 years now), there is no stigma against converts today. Sure, there’s the odd duck every […]
The Importance of Support
Today I’m writing about the importance of a support system during and after your conversion. Sure, this sounds obvious, but really, it can’t be overemphasized. And not only do you need to know that your family and friends still love you and support your choices, but you also need observant friends to support you. It […]
Reason #7 You Know You’re Crazy: Being the Inconvenient Friend
Reason #7 You Know You’re Crazy: You are the inconvenient friend. Your friends want to spend time with you. However, they are confused by kashrut. And you have no idea how many friendship-time ideas involve food. Inevitably, people are confused about what kinds of activities they can do with you, which is wonderful because they […]
The Real Question on the Orthodox Conversion Candidate’s Mind Is…
The real question on the minds of all us orthodox converts is actually “Now that I’m orthodox, am I doomed to own a minivan?” I sure hope not.
My Parents Have No Idea What I’ve Gotten Them Into by Converting to Orthodox Judaism
My parents have no idea what I’ve gotten them into. My dad reads this blog, so he knows that I’ve told him this phrase so many times over the last few years. They just have no idea. But to their credit, they’re willing to go with the flow and deal with the problems when they […]