What better way to spend a Sunday than hanging out with other Jewish converts and conversion candidates, exploring how you’ll live your best Jewish life in the month of Kislev?? Don’t forget to sign up for your ticket here! Get more details here:
Seeking more Jewish Community? Join the Convert Kehilla’s Rosh Chodesh Circle!
Are you a Jewish convert or conversion candidate seeking a warm and welcoming community? Look no further than The Convert Kehilla (“community,” roughly). Join our Rosh Chodesh Circle for the upcoming month of Kislev, dedicated to fostering connection, learning, and growth. For the first time in many years, I’m going to begin teaching live again. […]
Friendships When a Liberal Convert Goes Orthodox
I came across this question on social media again recently, and it has been a frequent concern over the years: “I converted in one Jewish movement and now want to convert orthodox. What will happen to my friendships and my relationship with my former rabbi(s)? Will they hate me? Am I betraying them?” First, I’ll […]
The Growth of Dogs in the Jewish Community
I used to be known as “the girl with the 3-legged cat.” Now the poor mutilated cat has been upstaged by some dirty, poor-mannered dogs. Now, if a stranger knows anything about me, they know I have “two huge dogs.” And in New York City, of all places! If I’m at a Shabbos table, this […]
Immediately After Conversion, What Needs to Be Done?
You’re in the mikvah. You have your dips in the water and officially cross over into the obligation in mitzvot. What happens once you get dressed? First mitzvah/bracha. This should not happen in the mikvah because you shouldn’t say a bracha while nude. I think some people hear about the “here, have a candy!” bracha […]
Why I’m Not Going by My Hebrew Name
It’s been almost two months since my conversion. I have been shocked that the most common question I am asked is, “So what do I call you now?” Of all the things to ask about a conversion, that’s the first thing that comes to mind?? Maybe it’s the most polite (and practical) thing to ask, […]
“How Did You Know You Were Ready to Convert?”
This question comes up a lot. It’s funny, since what the conversion candidate thinks about his or her readiness is often irrelevant. The beth din is the final decision on when a candidate converts, and their opinion on readiness is really the only one that matters. The beit din may ask the candidate whether he […]
Should You Make Up a “Jew-y” Name for Yourself?
Disclaimer: All names in this post are completely made up (and often from random name generators). If I happened to accidentally choose your name, I apologize. Well, except for the famous names. I just felt like using those. It’s very common for converts to take on a Hebrew name as their “everyday” name, even if […]
The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread: The Seforim Sale
There’s an interesting thing going on in Manhattan in the month of February! The Seforim Sale has conquered the Yeshiva University campus. It is the largest seforim sale in North America, and almost everything is being sold at a reduced price. There’s books, cookbooks, music, children’s books, all kinds of things. For a bibliophile, it’s […]
Judge Favorably, But Don’t Ignore Red Flags
I have a big rallying point that I try to drive home in the born-Jewish community: Conversion candidates are the canaries in the mine of Judaism. If you don’t know the analogy, here’s what Wikipedia has to say: “Canaries were once regularly used in coal mining as an early warning system. Toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, methane […]
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