Do you ever get tunnel vision? Apparently I do. And I did when I wrote Convert Questions: Converts and Aliyah. Let’s summarize that post quickly: There are two times where your “Jewish” status matters when making aliyah to Israel: (1) for the Rabbinate (orthodox converts only, and even then it’s not a given) and (2) […]
UPDATED: The Factors to Consider When Choosing to Convert
According to me, there are three major considerations when choosing where/how to convert. These three guideposts should help you decide a) the movement you want to convert with and then b) the community/rabbi/beit din you want to convert with. a) How you feel about your conversion. At the end of the day, this should be […]
What Is a Hebrew Name, and What Does It Do?
A commenter had a great question, and I decided to write about it in a longer form and make it accessible to the rest of you! Basically, what is the point of a Hebrew name? When, where, and why is it used? First, what is a Hebrew name? At its most basic, it’s your Jewish […]
Thought of the Day
For your (hopefully) lazy Sunday enjoyment, here is a great quote I heard in a recorded shiur a few weeks ago while driving cross-country. Unfortunately, I don’t remember which shiur it came from! Since I listened to over 30 hours of them, I’m not going to go through all of them to locate two sentences. […]
Shabbat Shalom! What to Do When People Are Crazy
Some people might think this is a downer of a Shabbat shalom post, but it was certainly liberating for me! Quite simply, other people’s problems are just that: other people’s problems. I don’t worry about people who don’t follow halacha (or follow it differently) or judge me as a convert or any of that other […]
Convert Questions: How to Choose a Hebrew Name
Choosing a Hebrew name can be the hardest part of your official conversion process. After all, you have to live with it for only the rest of your LIFE. Some people make it their everyday name. Or even adopt it as their legal first or middle name. And some people never use them ever again […]
The Conversion Mikvah Visit in a Nutshell
Every conservative and orthodox convert (and an exponentially increasing number of reform converts) will go to the mikvah (also spelled mikveh) to complete the conversion. Just in case no one has spelled it out explicitly for you, emerging from the mikvah is when you actually become “Jewish.” For a more mystical perspective, some say the […]
What to Do If You Question the Validity of Your Conversion
I know what more of you are thinking: Who in their right mind would do that?? I have yet to see anyone anywhere discuss this topic: what if you question the validity of your own conversion? Quite frankly, that’s everything converts want to avoid! The LAST thing a convert wants is someone else to question his […]
How to Listen to a Shiur
First, what’s a shiur? It’s usually just a lecture about something that is somehow tied to Jewish thought. And it usually has a lot of Hebrew and/or Yiddish and/or Yeshivish. I used to become very frustrated when listening to shiurim (plural of shiur) because of the frequent use of words I didn’t understand. However, now […]
How Do Converts Choose a Minhag?
What is a minhag? “Custom.” Plural: minhagim. However, some minhagim have been practiced so widely and for so long that rabbis have declared them to be mandatory halacha. More generally, each large group of Judaism are considered to have a “minhag,” including Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, Yemenite, Indian (from India), etc. Further, some minhagim are how […]