I know what more of you are thinking: Who in their right mind would do that?? I have yet to see anyone anywhere discuss this topic: what if you question the validity of your own conversion? Quite frankly, that’s everything converts want to avoid! The LAST thing a convert wants is someone else to question his […]
How to Listen to a Shiur
First, what’s a shiur? It’s usually just a lecture about something that is somehow tied to Jewish thought. And it usually has a lot of Hebrew and/or Yiddish and/or Yeshivish. I used to become very frustrated when listening to shiurim (plural of shiur) because of the frequent use of words I didn’t understand. However, now […]
How Do Converts Choose a Minhag?
What is a minhag? “Custom.” Plural: minhagim. However, some minhagim have been practiced so widely and for so long that rabbis have declared them to be mandatory halacha. More generally, each large group of Judaism are considered to have a “minhag,” including Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, Yemenite, Indian (from India), etc. Further, some minhagim are how […]
Two Very Different Thoughts for the First Day of School
Today is the last first day of law school! I only had one class today, and B”H, my load will be very light this semester! So here are two thoughts I’ve been having today. First off, after being in a pretty tough spot, I received a significant financial windfall today. So now, thanks to my […]
Adventures in Semantics: “Going to Temple”
Quite frankly, I hate this phrase. Yet people say it to me all the time and will continue to say it, so I have to learn how to live with it. So do you. Most of the time, it simply is not worth the effort to explain to someone who (a) won’t even remember and […]
Planning Your Tzedakah/Charity for the 2011 Tax Year
It’s that time of year! The new tax year! Yay! (Spoken like a true tax law student!) Jews are encouraged to plan their tzedakah for the year during the 10 Days of Repentance between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. (Tzedakah is usually translated to English as “charity,” but the two concepts have a completely different […]
UPDATED Convert Questions: What Is the Ideal Conversion Process?
Disclaimer: This is my idea of the ideal process. Others may feel differently. Regardless, no matter which advice you take, most converts wait far too long to begin getting involved in their local orthodox community and with the prospective beit din out of shyness and/or fear. What should the orthodox conversion process look like? What […]
Convert Questions: Does Anyone Fail the Beit Din?
In short, no, especially in orthodox conversions today. However, I think that is generally true in all the movements. If your sponsoring rabbi recommends to your beit din that it is time for you to take the oral examination part of your conversion (“the” beit din) and your beit din agrees, then you likely ARE […]
The Orthodox Dating Process
We all know that orthodox dating practices are different than other Jewish groups or the secular public. However, there isn’t much explanation of the process. And most of the kvetching (whining) is about being an “older single,” which most converts and baalei teshuva are. Unfortunately, most of the internet resources on the topic are on […]
The Importance of Finding the “Right” Community
As we just discussed the potential that a convert may need to move to a new community in order to finish his or her conversion (Convert Issues: the Community Requirement), the next step is choosing the RIGHT community for you. And I mean literally “you,” specifically. No community will be the right fit for all […]