The Gregorian New Year is upon us, and it’s hard to ignore the “new year, new you” energy coming from everywhere you look. Why not embrace it? Regular times of introspection, reflection, and teshuva are an important part of Judaism, and we have four New Years every year (it’s not just Rosh Hashanah!), so use […]
Dealing with Holiday Season Grief
I made this video last year, but apparently I never posted it here! Building a new workflow for my material has been surprisingly hard. Too many moving parts! But better late than never, right? Struggling with your old holiday seasons as you become Jewish? Not at all unusual. Whether you loved them or hated them […]
Seeking more Jewish Community? Join the Convert Kehilla’s Rosh Chodesh Circle!
Are you a Jewish convert or conversion candidate seeking a warm and welcoming community? Look no further than The Convert Kehilla (“community,” roughly). Join our Rosh Chodesh Circle for the upcoming month of Kislev, dedicated to fostering connection, learning, and growth. For the first time in many years, I’m going to begin teaching live again. […]
Today is Yom HaShoah
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. We will Never Forget the six million who perished as Jews. But remember that only one Jewish grandparent made you a “Jew” to Hitler, so many Christians and Christian converts died as Jews. Even being married to someone classified as a “Jew” could be a death sentence. We also risk […]
Chag Sameach! No Post on Friday.
This blog is shomer Shabbat and Yom Tov. Tonight begins the last days of Pesach. Therefore, there is no post on Friday, April 13.
The Growth of Dogs in the Jewish Community
I used to be known as “the girl with the 3-legged cat.” Now the poor mutilated cat has been upstaged by some dirty, poor-mannered dogs. Now, if a stranger knows anything about me, they know I have “two huge dogs.” And in New York City, of all places! If I’m at a Shabbos table, this […]
Pesach Cleaning Got You Down?
I hope you all enjoyed my prank yesterday! That is the only successful prank I’ve ever done. I am physically incapable of playing a prank because my face gives it away every time. Enter…the anonymity of the interwebz. If you have no idea what happened, check out this explanation: What Is a Rick Roll? And no, I’m […]
Can You Be an Orthodox Jew Who Happens to Be Vegetarian or Vegan?
YES! But uh…it depends on who you ask. There is a halachic basis for the rabbis who declare you must eat meat on Shabbat. (Though even they will admit there was a great rabbi-whose name I forget-who was vegetarian every day but Shabbat.) I find most of these rabbis tend to be far to the […]
Purim in a Nutshell: The Four Mitzvot of Purim
Purim begins next Wednesday night, March 7, 2012. Purim is a rabbinic holiday instead of a holiday commanded by the written Torah. That is why you can still drive, spend money, use electricity, etc. While you can go to work, there is a difference of opinion. If possible, you should avoid it. Since conversion candidates like […]
Handy Dandy List of Jewish Holidays with Hebrew Dates
A very straight-forward reference post for you today. You generally needn’t memorize the Hebrew dates of most holidays, unless told differently by your beit din. However, you should be able to list these major holidays in chronological order, starting either with Rosh Hashana or Pesach. You may want to compare and contrast with the post […]
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