I need to issue a correction. I apologize, but I copied and pasted some information from my Tisha B’Av post and then edited it for Yom Kippur. Being me, I missed deleting that we sit on stools until midday like a mourner. That only applies on Tisha B’Av. On Yom Kippur, you will be sitting […]
Yom Kippur in a Nutshell
This year, Yom Kippur is from sunset of Friday, October 7, 2011, until sunset of October 8. This is the only fast that overrides Shabbat’s mitzvah to make a festive meal. Normally, fasting is prohibited on Shabbat, and the fast is moved to Sunday. However, Yom Kippur is the “Shabbat of Shabbats,” so its fasting […]
Dr. Strangesmell (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the 3 Day Chag)
For those of you who weren’t here in the early days of the blog (last year), go check out the heinousness of my first 3 day yontif observance last year. Needless to say, I wasn’t looking forward to another season of 3 day chags. Minus a date with a minor back injury on some wet […]
Tonight Begins Rosh Hashanah
This blog is shomer Shabbat and Yom Tov. Therefore, there are no posts on Thursday, September 29, and Friday, September 30. Shanah tova!
Last Minute Thoughts before Rosh Hashanah
Aish Connections has asked me to pass along information about their No Membership Required campaign: it’s “a complimentary database of synagogues across the country that offer social, engaging and unique services for non-members. It lists Synagogue details (and prices where relevant) and indicates what range of services are offered including additional programs such for youth, teen, and explanatory […]
Explaining the High Holidays to the Clueless in 30 Seconds
The High Holydays are upon us, and that means there is a lot going on. You miss a lot of work and school, and you can’t take phone calls for those days either. You cease to exist to the outside world for a couple of weeks. In order to stress the importance and insanity of […]
Pre-Yontif Checklist: A Work in Progress
This page is a continual work-in progress. I don’t expect that this is exhaustive, but feel free to add your additions to the comments, and I’ll them to the master list. These are in no particular order. Remember that you can transfer fire, but not create new fire. The best way to have an open […]
Adventures in Semantics: The Thirteen Attributes of Hashem’s Mercy
On motzei Shabbos, Ashkenazim (and Chabad) began their series of the penitential prayers known as selichot. Sephardim started saying slichot at the beginning of this month, Elul. As Rosh HaShanah starts on Wednesday night, try to make the effort to rise early and go to synagogue so that you can recite slichot with the congregation. […]
The 25th of Elul: The Beginning of Creation?
Tonight begins the 25th of Elul. According to Rabbi Eliezer, this is the day Hashem began creating the world. In other words, today is “the first day.” Therefore: Adam was created on the sixth day, and Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the year from the time Adam was created. Why would we measure the […]
Falling Into the Rabbit Hole of Orthodox Pop Culture
It is 3am, and I have a post that has to go up today, but I know all of you want to be “in the know,” so we’re going to have a double post today! The Maccabeats released their new video tonight, while mysteriously everyone but the Maccabeats were at a Jewish rock concert. In […]
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