New video up! ✨ Shabbat doesn’t have to be all or nothing! ✨ Starting to observe Shabbos can be overwhelming. Start small, make it beautiful, and find the joy in the process. 💙 Light candles, enjoy a tech-free dinner, take a nap—whatever feels doable. Shabbat is a gift, not a test. 🎁 See transcript below. […]
Warning: Do Not Convert with “Rabbi” Andrew “Binyamin” Sheldrake and Adat Yeshua “Synagogue”
Not Every Conversion Program Is Legitimate. Here’s How to Protect Yourself. Not every conversion program is legitimate. Some are scams designed to mislead, exploit, or even to push an entirely different religion onto unsuspecting candidates. Here’s some important information you need to know to protect yourself. Conversion is like everything else – there are scammers […]
What Is a Chumrah and What Is Halacha
If you haven’t discovered it already, 2 Jews equals 3 opinions! And it is entirely possible for all of those opinions to be correct. How is that possible?? I’m Jewish, so I could give you 18 answers to that question. The best answer I can give you is that Judaism is not only NOT a […]
The Growth of Dogs in the Jewish Community
I used to be known as “the girl with the 3-legged cat.” Now the poor mutilated cat has been upstaged by some dirty, poor-mannered dogs. Now, if a stranger knows anything about me, they know I have “two huge dogs.” And in New York City, of all places! If I’m at a Shabbos table, this […]
Pesach: The Red Sea Beach Diet
Tonight starts Passover. Despite being chol hamoed, I intend to have posts next week. I hope you have a chag kasher v’sameach! So. Pesach is here. Let’s assume this is your first or second Pesach (particularly speaking to those of you who haven’t converted yet), and that you’re trying to “do it all” this year. […]
What Does a Beit Din Do Besides Conversions?
Most of you are familiar with one thing batei din do in the modern world: convert people. But what else do they do? You’d be surprised. A beit din can do most of the things a secular court can, in addition to presiding over pure halachic issues. What doesn’t a beit din do? Hear criminal […]
Pesach Cleaning Got You Down?
I hope you all enjoyed my prank yesterday! That is the only successful prank I’ve ever done. I am physically incapable of playing a prank because my face gives it away every time. Enter…the anonymity of the interwebz. If you have no idea what happened, check out this explanation: What Is a Rick Roll? And no, I’m […]
Phrase of the Day: Off the Derech
Calling someone “off the derech” can mean many things, depending on who the speaker is. There are apparently many ways of categorizing someone as off the derech. But at the end of the day, it’s a judgment about someone else, which you should probably avoid when you can. It may matter to know whether someone […]
Can You Be an Orthodox Jew Who Happens to Be Vegetarian or Vegan?
YES! But uh…it depends on who you ask. There is a halachic basis for the rabbis who declare you must eat meat on Shabbat. (Though even they will admit there was a great rabbi-whose name I forget-who was vegetarian every day but Shabbat.) I find most of these rabbis tend to be far to the […]
What If You Don’t Like One of the Mitzvot…Can You Still Convert Orthodox?
One of the biggest disagreements about conversion is kabbalot ol mitzvot, the acceptance of the yoke of the commandments. In case you don’t remember, yoke mean burden, not to be confused with a yolk. Fun fact: the “stock” from “being put in the stocks” is a human yoke. Criminals and slaves were put in stocks. […]
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