I saw a great question about conversions. I decided to post the question and my answer to that question here because I think that’s a struggle the overwhelming majority of orthodox converts face at some point in their process. How would you respond? THE QUESTION: Not to risk offending anybody, but I’d be curious as […]
Planning Your Tzedakah/Charity for the 2011 Tax Year
It’s that time of year! The new tax year! Yay! (Spoken like a true tax law student!) Jews are encouraged to plan their tzedakah for the year during the 10 Days of Repentance between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. (Tzedakah is usually translated to English as “charity,” but the two concepts have a completely different […]
UPDATED Convert Questions: What Is the Ideal Conversion Process?
Disclaimer: This is my idea of the ideal process. Others may feel differently. Regardless, no matter which advice you take, most converts wait far too long to begin getting involved in their local orthodox community and with the prospective beit din out of shyness and/or fear. What should the orthodox conversion process look like? What […]
Something You Should Read and Comment on!
As an unmarried woman who had a terrible first mikvah experience (for conversion 1.0), I would very much like all of you to read this post by fellow Chavi about the mikvah! Please comment, anonymously or not! Just Call Me Chaviva: The Mikvah Is Lost on Me.
Halachic Discussion: Are Female Converts “Not Niddah” After the Mikvah?
This is the kind of question that could only come up after hours upon hours of undisturbed solo driving. When a female convert goes to the mikvah to complete her conversion, does she become “not niddah” after the mikvah? Assuming the timing is right, of course. Not that it matters, but it was an interesting […]
Convert Issues: The Community Requirement
As I’ve mentioned several times here, a potential convert may have to move in order to complete his or her conversion. It may be an easy move or a very difficult one, depending on the convert and the community. Some may have to move across town, and some may have to move to a different […]
Halachic Discussion: Is Red an Immodest Color for Women?
I was reading Halichos Bas Yisrael and came across an interesting point: “Bright red clothing is considered immodest.” It was then grouped with tight clothing (which is an interesting line in itself!). I had heard that “bright red” (as distinguished from shades like “burgundy red”) is considered an immodest color before, but primarily from people […]
Male Converts Are Really the Crazy Ones
Personally, I think it’s much easier to become orthodox-observant as a female than a male. What the heck are those male converts thinking?? Quite frankly, I think the mitzvot for women is exactly what benefits me, and the mitzvot of men are things that I think would not benefit me. Of course, drawing any line […]
Reason #12 You Know You’re Crazy: You’re Unusually Attached to a Particular Mitzvah
Reason #12 You Know You’re Crazy: You’re unusually attached to a particular mitzvah. Mine is my mezuzot. I couldn’t tell you why, but I bought a mezuzah case (and non-kosher scroll) in 2005. I knew I couldn’t hang it, but it stayed with me for the next 5 years. This involved 5 moves. All but […]
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