What if you’re considering converting to Judaism in your teens or early 20s? You face special problems during conversion. Sorry. But on the bright side, there are common problems that you will hopefully never deal with! In other words, all conversions have “problems” and frustrations. Unfortunately, when you’re under 18 (or even under 22), you […]
Are Conversion Rabbis Capable of Understanding the Conversion Candidate’s Emotional State?
Can conversion rabbis ever really understand the emotional issues that face conversion candidates? Worse, maybe even our friends and family can’t understand? I don’t mean to downplay the suffering that other people face. We all have our own challenges, but orthodox conversion candidates face an outside restriction on the most intimate areas of life. Given […]
Convert Questions: What’s Up with Synagogue Membership Fees??
The existence of synagogue membership fees always seems to be a major shock to the new conversion candidate. Coming from mainstream American society, voluntary donations during a religious service are the expected way for the average person to donate money to a religious organization (whether the candidate was involved in Christianity or not). Now, as […]
Halacha in a Nutshell: Tzedakah
Halacha in a Nutshell is a series that does not aim to actually teach you halacha. The goal is to acquaint you with the general ideas of a halachic issue so that you can follow conversations without looking like a total n00b. Just in time for the US tax deadline! Tzedakah is normally translated as […]
Lessons from the Gentle Giant
Ilan passed a week ago tonight, and this has been the hardest week of my life. In addition to the obvious, there have been other serious issues in my life this week, all conspiring to give me panic attacks. Thankfully, and much to my surprise, I have handled the anxiety, anger, hurt, frustration, pain, etc, in […]
Two Very Different Thoughts for the First Day of School
Today is the last first day of law school! I only had one class today, and B”H, my load will be very light this semester! So here are two thoughts I’ve been having today. First off, after being in a pretty tough spot, I received a significant financial windfall today. So now, thanks to my […]
Planning Your Tzedakah/Charity for the 2011 Tax Year
It’s that time of year! The new tax year! Yay! (Spoken like a true tax law student!) Jews are encouraged to plan their tzedakah for the year during the 10 Days of Repentance between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. (Tzedakah is usually translated to English as “charity,” but the two concepts have a completely different […]
Reason #84 You Know You’re Crazy: Orthodox Conversion is EXPENSIVE!
Reason #84 You Know You’re Crazy: An Orthodox Conversion is EXPENSIVE. Really. My conservative conversion cost me nothing other than one required paperback book for my Introduction to Judaism class. I think I bought it on Half.com for 5 bucks. To get to my first meeting with an orthodox beit din, I spent approximately $1,000 […]