What better way to spend a Sunday than hanging out with other Jewish converts and conversion candidates, exploring how you’ll live your best Jewish life in the month of Kislev?? Don’t forget to sign up for your ticket here! Get more details here:
Seeking more Jewish Community? Join the Convert Kehilla’s Rosh Chodesh Circle!
Are you a Jewish convert or conversion candidate seeking a warm and welcoming community? Look no further than The Convert Kehilla (“community,” roughly). Join our Rosh Chodesh Circle for the upcoming month of Kislev, dedicated to fostering connection, learning, and growth. For the first time in many years, I’m going to begin teaching live again. […]
Can Politics Ruin Your Jewish Conversion?
Do your politics matter while converting to Judaism? No! (Yes, of course they do.) Should you be open about your politics while converting? Only you can answer that, but let’s give you some useful information to make that decision. Disclaimers! Lawyers love disclaimers, and I’m no exception. I’ve been a part of and visited more […]
What to Expect the 1st Time You Attend Synagogue
So you’ve been reading books, scrolling social media, reading this blog…and you think you’re ready to go to a synagogue service for the first time. The mechanics and the level of “oh no what have I gotten myself into I am not ready for this” will be different between orthodox and non-orthodox services only because […]
What Is a Chumrah and What Is Halacha
If you haven’t discovered it already, 2 Jews equals 3 opinions! And it is entirely possible for all of those opinions to be correct. How is that possible?? I’m Jewish, so I could give you 18 answers to that question. The best answer I can give you is that Judaism is not only NOT a […]
Friendships When a Liberal Convert Goes Orthodox
I came across this question on social media again recently, and it has been a frequent concern over the years: “I converted in one Jewish movement and now want to convert orthodox. What will happen to my friendships and my relationship with my former rabbi(s)? Will they hate me? Am I betraying them?” First, I’ll […]
What If You Don’t Like One of the Mitzvot…Can You Still Convert Orthodox?
One of the biggest disagreements about conversion is kabbalot ol mitzvot, the acceptance of the yoke of the commandments. In case you don’t remember, yoke mean burden, not to be confused with a yolk. Fun fact: the “stock” from “being put in the stocks” is a human yoke. Criminals and slaves were put in stocks. […]
Management Update: The State of the Union
As most of you have figured out at this point, my conversion was finished a month ago. So what happens to the blog now?? My current plan is keep on doin’ what I’m already doin’. There is clearly a need for this kind of information and discussion. This isn’t going to turn into a “what […]
You’re Getting a Second Conversion! What About the Mezuzot?
Maybe you’re considering getting another conversion. But what about the mezuzahs you already have on your doors? In your new community (even if it’s within the same geographic area), you are not (or “might not” be) halachically a Jew. Mezuzot on your doors could confuse people, and technically, you aren’t obligated in the mitzvah. Of […]
Should You Change or Add to Your Hebrew Name When You Have a Second Conversion?
I find it interesting that Hebrew names is the #1 topic that brings people to this blog through search engines. I wonder where all this interest in names comes from! Based on the search terms themselves, it appears to be adults choosing a name for themselves, rather than parents naming a baby. Well, this week’s […]