The Gregorian New Year is upon us, and it’s hard to ignore the “new year, new you” energy coming from everywhere you look. Why not embrace it? Regular times of introspection, reflection, and teshuva are an important part of Judaism, and we have four New Years every year (it’s not just Rosh Hashanah!), so use […]
Dealing with Holiday Season Grief
I made this video last year, but apparently I never posted it here! Building a new workflow for my material has been surprisingly hard. Too many moving parts! But better late than never, right? Struggling with your old holiday seasons as you become Jewish? Not at all unusual. Whether you loved them or hated them […]
Can Politics Ruin Your Jewish Conversion?
Do your politics matter while converting to Judaism? No! (Yes, of course they do.) Should you be open about your politics while converting? Only you can answer that, but let’s give you some useful information to make that decision. Disclaimers! Lawyers love disclaimers, and I’m no exception. I’ve been a part of and visited more […]
Pesach Cleaning Got You Down?
I hope you all enjoyed my prank yesterday! That is the only successful prank I’ve ever done. I am physically incapable of playing a prank because my face gives it away every time. Enter…the anonymity of the interwebz. If you have no idea what happened, check out this explanation: What Is a Rick Roll? And no, I’m […]
Shidduchim and Nose Jobs
I have a well-documented enjoyment of the Groggers. They released a new song on Valentine’s Day, and I wasn’t planning to comment on it. It’s the first song off their upcoming (as yet unnamed, apparently) album: Jewcan Sam (A Nose Job Love Song). As always, power pop/punk combined with satire makes me happy. But I don’t […]
Management Update: Page Updates
Claudius Templesmith has two announcements for you this morning! (Mandatory nerdy reference while re-reading the Hunger Games. Sorry.) 1. I’ve added several interesting blogs to the Blogroll page linked above. Peruse and enjoy. 2. For your statistical pleasure, I’ve added a pageview counter to the upper right-hand corner of the page.
The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread: The Seforim Sale
There’s an interesting thing going on in Manhattan in the month of February! The Seforim Sale has conquered the Yeshiva University campus. It is the largest seforim sale in North America, and almost everything is being sold at a reduced price. There’s books, cookbooks, music, children’s books, all kinds of things. For a bibliophile, it’s […]
What Not to Do When You “Frum Out”
When you first become “religious,” you’re passionate. You’re motivated. You’re going to be the best Jew ever. This is called “frumming out.” Conversion candidates do this just as much as baalei teshuva. And are just as unpopular for it. You might just drive everyone you know crazy. You have discovered The Truth, and if everyone […]
Stuff People Say
It’s been a while since we enjoyed a pop culture post, so let’s tackle the “Stuff Xs Say” theme. They’re reasonably safe for work, but you probably shouldn’t be watching them at work anyway. The original, and probably the best made: My second favorite: “I love waiting 6 hours between meat and milk. …It gives […]
Haikus for Jews?
All my Jew Crew on Facebook is all a-twitter about the Shema. Someone pointed out that the Shema is a haiku, and it began to spread like wildfire through status updates. After a few friends “verified” it, I decided it was finally time to investigate it for myself. The Haiku The haiku is a traditional […]
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