New video up! ✨ Shabbat doesn’t have to be all or nothing! ✨ Starting to observe Shabbos can be overwhelming. Start small, make it beautiful, and find the joy in the process. 💙 Light candles, enjoy a tech-free dinner, take a nap—whatever feels doable. Shabbat is a gift, not a test. 🎁 See transcript below. […]
Make your New Year’s resolution Jewish!
The Gregorian New Year is upon us, and it’s hard to ignore the “new year, new you” energy coming from everywhere you look. Why not embrace it? Regular times of introspection, reflection, and teshuva are an important part of Judaism, and we have four New Years every year (it’s not just Rosh Hashanah!), so use […]
Can Politics Ruin Your Jewish Conversion?
Do your politics matter while converting to Judaism? No! (Yes, of course they do.) Should you be open about your politics while converting? Only you can answer that, but let’s give you some useful information to make that decision. Disclaimers! Lawyers love disclaimers, and I’m no exception. I’ve been a part of and visited more […]
Pesach Cleaning Got You Down?
I hope you all enjoyed my prank yesterday! That is the only successful prank I’ve ever done. I am physically incapable of playing a prank because my face gives it away every time. Enter…the anonymity of the interwebz. If you have no idea what happened, check out this explanation: What Is a Rick Roll? And no, I’m […]
Can You Be an Orthodox Jew Who Happens to Be Vegetarian or Vegan?
YES! But uh…it depends on who you ask. There is a halachic basis for the rabbis who declare you must eat meat on Shabbat. (Though even they will admit there was a great rabbi-whose name I forget-who was vegetarian every day but Shabbat.) I find most of these rabbis tend to be far to the […]
Stuff People Say
It’s been a while since we enjoyed a pop culture post, so let’s tackle the “Stuff Xs Say” theme. They’re reasonably safe for work, but you probably shouldn’t be watching them at work anyway. The original, and probably the best made: My second favorite: “I love waiting 6 hours between meat and milk. …It gives […]
Nice Video from Aish About Torah Study
This isn’t worth a “regular” daily post, but I thought this was a really nice video. Regardless of what you think of Aish, I like how they showed the diversity of people who study Torah regularly and that even the busiest professionals find a way to make time for it! “Read it. Study it. Enjoy […]
The Hebrew Alphabet
The Hebrew alef-bet is easy to learn, even if you’ve never learned another language or think you’re too old of a dog to learn new tricks. And you don’t have to do it alone! Approximately every November, the National Jewish Outreach Program sponsors “Hebrew reading crash course” classes. Locate a class near you here! It’s free and […]
More Jewish Pop Culture Than You Can Shake a Stick At
There seems to be a lot of Jewish stuff going around in pop culture around now. Or maybe now I just have better sources to bring this stuff to my attention. In that spirit, I now pass these along to you. First, a very interesting post about actress Mayim Bialik’s decision to work on yom […]
Ben Stiller Does a Yom Kippur-themed Saturday Night Live Monologue
I’m a few days late, but last motzei Shabbos, Ben Stiller did a Yom Kippur-themed Saturday Night Live opening monologue. I’d say it’s about average quality for what SNL is putting out these days, but it certainly could have been worse. …Meh. But there was a pretty good Borsht-Belt joke at the beginning: “My father’s […]