Need help with a specific situation or question? Want guidance on what your next steps should be? Get personalized assistance in a one-on-one meeting with me!
How to Book an Appointment with Me:
I offer 30 minute sessions.
I charge $75 per half-hour session, which also includes a follow-up email with relevant resources.
In order to reserve a space, please send payment **via PayPal** to crazyjewishconvert at After I receive your payment, I will send you the link to my scheduling software to find a time that works for you. If none of the available times work for you, let me know via email at the above address, and we will find a mutually-agreeable time.
Please be careful of time zone differences. I am located in the Eastern US time zone. Be sure to set the calendaring software to your time zone before booking.
Cancellation Policy
Please mark the date and time of your appointment on your calendar. (If needed, Time and Date has an excellent Time Zone Converter.) I make every effort to remind clients of appointments by email five days days prior to the appointment, and again 24 hrs before.
Missed appointments will be charged at full cost. I understand that emergency situations arise and in these circumstances it will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Otherwise, a strict 24hr (1 full ***business*** day) notice via email to crazyjewishconvert at is required.
Please don’t reply to the automated reminder service as I don’t receive those replies. Advance notice allows me to better accommodate my clients on the waiting list and means that a person in need of the appointment can grab it.