One of the biggest disagreements about conversion is kabbalot ol mitzvot, the acceptance of the yoke of the commandments. In case you don’t remember, yoke mean burden, not to be confused with a yolk. Fun fact: the “stock” from “being put in the stocks” is a human yoke. Criminals and slaves were put in stocks. […]
Purim in a Nutshell: The Four Mitzvot of Purim
Purim begins next Wednesday night, March 7, 2012. Purim is a rabbinic holiday instead of a holiday commanded by the written Torah. That is why you can still drive, spend money, use electricity, etc. While you can go to work, there is a difference of opinion. If possible, you should avoid it. Since conversion candidates like […]
Phrase of the Day: “Be Attractive, Not Attracting”
People either love or hate this phrase. What does “be attractive, not attracting” mean to you? And do you think it’s a phrase worth telling someone (particularly a woman) as they’re learning the rules of tznius? If someone said it to you as you were becoming tznius, was it helpful?
Immediately After Conversion, What Needs to Be Done?
You’re in the mikvah. You have your dips in the water and officially cross over into the obligation in mitzvot. What happens once you get dressed? First mitzvah/bracha. This should not happen in the mikvah because you shouldn’t say a bracha while nude. I think some people hear about the “here, have a candy!” bracha […]
Why I’m Not Going by My Hebrew Name
It’s been almost two months since my conversion. I have been shocked that the most common question I am asked is, “So what do I call you now?” Of all the things to ask about a conversion, that’s the first thing that comes to mind?? Maybe it’s the most polite (and practical) thing to ask, […]
Nullifying Conversions vs. Questioning Conversions
If you’re going to convert, you need to understand a key distinction. There’s a lot of talk since 2006 about nullifying conversions. While a few nullifications have occurred, the general problem is questioned conversions. Nullified conversion: the conversion is void. It was invalid at the time the conversion was performed. The person was never halachically […]
“How Did You Know You Were Ready to Convert?”
This question comes up a lot. It’s funny, since what the conversion candidate thinks about his or her readiness is often irrelevant. The beth din is the final decision on when a candidate converts, and their opinion on readiness is really the only one that matters. The beit din may ask the candidate whether he […]
The Types of Knowledge a Conversion Candidate Should Cultivate
So much of conversion is about acquiring knowledge and then learning how to translate that to real life situations. Input followed by output. But what kinds of knowledge should you import into your poor, overworked brain in order to produce the right output? It’s not as simple as “learn halacha.” I would argue there are […]
Shidduchim and Nose Jobs
I have a well-documented enjoyment of the Groggers. They released a new song on Valentine’s Day, and I wasn’t planning to comment on it. It’s the first song off their upcoming (as yet unnamed, apparently) album: Jewcan Sam (A Nose Job Love Song). As always, power pop/punk combined with satire makes me happy. But I don’t […]
Management Update: Page Updates
Claudius Templesmith has two announcements for you this morning! (Mandatory nerdy reference while re-reading the Hunger Games. Sorry.) 1. I’ve added several interesting blogs to the Blogroll page linked above. Peruse and enjoy. 2. For your statistical pleasure, I’ve added a pageview counter to the upper right-hand corner of the page.
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