I have a big rallying point that I try to drive home in the born-Jewish community: Conversion candidates are the canaries in the mine of Judaism. If you don’t know the analogy, here’s what Wikipedia has to say: “Canaries were once regularly used in coal mining as an early warning system. Toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, methane or carbon dioxide in the mine would kill the bird before affecting the miners. Because canaries tend to sing much of the time, they would stop singing prior to succumbing to the gas therefore alerting miners to the danger.”
A) They may not know they are being taken advantage of,
B) They may not know that a rabbi is violating the halacha,
C) They may not have Jewish friends they are comfortable discussing sensitive issues, and thus, don’t have another Jew to tell them something is wrong, and
D) Even if they know something is wrong, who would they tell?
Excellent advice.
One of my bet din members, Mitch, says that I seem to be a magnet for people who want to abuse prospective converts.
From slanderous Conservative rabbi with the power trip who turned me away 5 times. (My study partner had almost the exact situation with a Conservative rabbi.) Plus the teacher I had at the time Mitch also thought was very bad with Hebrew (he would speak in a conlang instead of just one language).
Mitch also knew of the second rabbi. Apparently that guy is under investigation or something for extortion. Half my current class knew of that guy so they were very happy when I said I felt Hashem was telling me to be very careful around him.
At least rabbi #3 has no warning signs that I've noticed, plus most of my state's Jewish community adores this rabbi and he is good at dealing with "complicated" conversions which is what I have now (I would have been much easier when I was trying to convert 15 years ago)!
Candidates of conversion and new converts are easily to take adavantage from. It's very important to have someone you can really trust (this takes time) and not to be afraid to speak out! I know the feeling of being under the loop at all times, the pressure that people put on you, plus the demands we put on ourselves… but conversion is to be an enjoyable experience, focus on your learning, your practice and pray a lot! Hashem is with you :o)!
I have lost count of the number of times a FFB hasn't understood something I have said or done. However instead of asking or finding out they jump to the wrong conclusion and even when proved otherwise that tainted view remains.
It appears FFB have all the rights and no responsibilities – I have yet to hear one apologize.