This question comes up a lot. It’s funny, since what the conversion candidate thinks about his or her readiness is often irrelevant. The beth din is the final decision on when a candidate converts, and their opinion on readiness is really the only one that matters. The beit din may ask the candidate whether he […]
Shidduchim and Nose Jobs
I have a well-documented enjoyment of the Groggers. They released a new song on Valentine’s Day, and I wasn’t planning to comment on it. It’s the first song off their upcoming (as yet unnamed, apparently) album: Jewcan Sam (A Nose Job Love Song). As always, power pop/punk combined with satire makes me happy. But I don’t […]
Why Not Be a Noachide?
Born Jews are very quick to throw out the advice that a conversion candidate should “try being a Noachide!” They’re very enthusiastic about this, but I find that they rarely know what it entails, much less what it is really like to be a Noachide. Most can’t even name the seven laws. Yet they are […]
Should You Make Up a “Jew-y” Name for Yourself?
Disclaimer: All names in this post are completely made up (and often from random name generators). If I happened to accidentally choose your name, I apologize. Well, except for the famous names. I just felt like using those. It’s very common for converts to take on a Hebrew name as their “everyday” name, even if […]
The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread: The Seforim Sale
There’s an interesting thing going on in Manhattan in the month of February! The Seforim Sale has conquered the Yeshiva University campus. It is the largest seforim sale in North America, and almost everything is being sold at a reduced price. There’s books, cookbooks, music, children’s books, all kinds of things. For a bibliophile, it’s […]
Is It Forbidden to Wear Colors Other than Black, White, and Navy Blue?
Today’s question comes straight from a Google search term that lead to my site. Someone wanted to know if orthodox Jews are required to only wear black, navy blue, and white (and presumably cream, based on personal observations). This is not true. You can wear other colors and not be in violation of tznius. Of […]
Judge Favorably, But Don’t Ignore Red Flags
I have a big rallying point that I try to drive home in the born-Jewish community: Conversion candidates are the canaries in the mine of Judaism. If you don’t know the analogy, here’s what Wikipedia has to say: “Canaries were once regularly used in coal mining as an early warning system. Toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, methane […]
What Not to Do When You “Frum Out”
When you first become “religious,” you’re passionate. You’re motivated. You’re going to be the best Jew ever. This is called “frumming out.” Conversion candidates do this just as much as baalei teshuva. And are just as unpopular for it. You might just drive everyone you know crazy. You have discovered The Truth, and if everyone […]
Stuff People Say
It’s been a while since we enjoyed a pop culture post, so let’s tackle the “Stuff Xs Say” theme. They’re reasonably safe for work, but you probably shouldn’t be watching them at work anyway. The original, and probably the best made: My second favorite: “I love waiting 6 hours between meat and milk. …It gives […]
What to Wear for Your First Beit Din Meeting
You’ve got your first meeting with the beit din (or the head of the beit din)! Yay! So what do you wear? In general, you should dress very conservatively, even if it is not what you would wear on a daily basis. This is not dishonest, it is respectful. You would dress more formally to […]
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