GIANT IMPORTANT POINT: This issue can approach a fine line between protecting the community and bullying. Before you accuse someone (to their face in private or to a rabbi in private) of being an insincere conversion candidate, CAREFULLY consider your motives for doing so, your options for action, and how your actions will affect the […]
Conversion Special Cases: Young Conversion Candidates
What if you’re considering converting to Judaism in your teens or early 20s? You face special problems during conversion. Sorry. But on the bright side, there are common problems that you will hopefully never deal with! In other words, all conversions have “problems” and frustrations. Unfortunately, when you’re under 18 (or even under 22), you […]
What If You Live Outside a Jewish Community – Temporary Solutions
This post is intended for people living outside easy driving distance of an orthodox community. We’re not talking about “living outside the community” as in “living 5 miles from the eruv and shul.” I’m going to share how I would approach living in an area without any Jewish resources. As always, each situation is different […]
Rabbi Speaks Out Against Geirus l’Chumrahs
Question: What is the status of the ‘extra’ conversion immersion [tevila leHumra] demanded by some Orthodox rabbis? You may know this as geirus l’chumrah. A geirus l’chumrah is when a convert (already converted) is required to undergo a “new” conversion because of doubt about a prior conversion. Sometimes this is necessary. That’s why it exists. You […]
Newsflash: Conversion Is Permanent!
At a Shabbat table, a born Jew asked me a very good question about conversion. It was so obvious that I don’t know why I haven’t been asked this question before. And believe me, I’ve been asked a lot of conversion questions in my day. When you first started the conversion process, did you know […]
Are Conversion Rabbis Capable of Understanding the Conversion Candidate’s Emotional State?
Can conversion rabbis ever really understand the emotional issues that face conversion candidates? Worse, maybe even our friends and family can’t understand? I don’t mean to downplay the suffering that other people face. We all have our own challenges, but orthodox conversion candidates face an outside restriction on the most intimate areas of life. Given […]
Bullying Within the Conversion Community: The Enemy Within
An important read from the other convert blogger named Chavi: The Real Danger? Other Converts. From the post: “I don’t know if it’s new, but all of the conversion crises talk has exacerbated this self preservation to the point that converts, in some communities, have become bullies. It is the classic case where the bullied […]
Convert Questions: What Is the Deal with Tattoos?
Piercings were covered here. Tattoos are a huge concern for converts and baalei teshuva. Before becoming observant, they may have gotten tattoos, and now Jews have filled them with all kinds of unfounded fears. You will not be denied burial in a Jewish cemetery. You may use the mikvah. You might not have to get […]
How to Celebrate Your Conversion
Mazel tov! You must be getting close to your conversion if you’re thinking about how to celebrate it! My experience so far is that orthodox converts don’t celebrate nearly as much as liberal converts. Make your interpretations as you will. Nearly everyone has (or tries to have) a special meal with some friends and family. […]
UPDATED: Why You Shouldn’t Date During Conversion
NOTE: The Kvetching Editor wrote a response to this post here. I just want to point out that her situation is not what I’m describing. I’m talking about a single who enters the orthodox conversion process and then begins dating people who are already orthodox. However, for the record, I think dating is probably a bad idea […]